So I believe I already told you of my great love for fabric, right? and I seem to remember mentioning how I love quilts, right? Though it's true that I have yet to attempt to make one in "real life" that doesn't stop me from happily browsing through all those gorgeous co-ordinated fat quarters at my local quilt shoppe. Well all those darling little bundles tied with pretty bows are the inspiration for my new series of kits appropriately named "FAT QUARTER BUNDLES".
My "Not Far to Fall" Collection is yet another in this series! It really was only a matter of time before an Autumn kit took over my thought process, hey? That's right... I'm a huge fan of the Fall! I love everything about it. The leaves, the colours, the crispness in the air, and of course, the fact that it means we can now stay inside and snuggle up! This kit is inspired by my love of all things Autumnal. It's full of leaves, sunflowers, acorns, and lots of cute elements to accentuate your pages. Hope you're looking forward to the change of seasons as much as I am!
9 "Fat Quarter Fabric" Backgrounds (ruststripe, rustleaf, greenplaid, goldleaves, navydots, quiltscraps, orangeleaves, dkgreenstripe, dkbrownplaid)
2 quilt backs (falling leaves, quiltleaforange)
2 stitched acorns (had to steal 'em from these little squirrels in the backyard)
1 border (we pile, we rake, we jump)
1 border (log pattern)
1 12 x 12 frame border (squares)
2 bows (gold, green)
8 buttons (gold, goldplaid, greenstripe, greenticking, orangeleaves, patchwork, rust, sunflower)
1 stitched multi photo frame (Autumn Memories)
8 stitched leaves (in various shapes and colors and patterns)
3 quilted photo mattes (green, orange, gold)
5 photo corners (four with sunflower element and one plain)
8 ribbons (buttons, goldendays, greenplaid, greenstripe, leaf it, orange, rustgingham, sunflowers)
1 ribbon with bow (patches)
2 sunflower elements
1 sunflower leaf element
1 sunflower with stem and leaves
1 tag with string (fall)
2 ribbon ties (orange, rust)
1 word art element (you leaf me breathless)
1 word art element (Harvest)
1 paintchip
Crates, Ribbon Spool, and Button Card for Store Display Purposes only.Are ya ready for fall, peeps?
A digital scrapbooking and card making supplies collection from Nitwit Collections.
Visit our Pinterest Inspiration Gallery for larger photos and more ideas!