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Poppies Collection - Life Planner Stickers


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"Poppies" Life Planner Stickers glow and bloom with beauty! The colours, textures and options that this digital sticker kit provides will delight your senses and creative life planner page ideas. Take it all in and then let your imagination "grow"...the opportunties are endless!

These digital sticker sheets fit most popular planners....all you have to do is download, print and cut and you're ready to create and decorate your planner however you see fit with the multitude of options that these sticker sheets offer. You receive your downloads in pdf, jpg and png formats.

**Please remember when you print, to print at 100% of actual size rather than "scale to fit page" so that your printed sheets match the sizes below!**

Included in the 3 Sticker Sheets:

  • 16 - 1.5" x 1.9" full boxes with such beauty and distinctive designs that it will be hard to figure out which one you want where
  • 1 - 1.5" x 1.9" full box with a muted flower background and lines to be able to use this to make a list for items to do...or things for your next party
  • 6 - 1.5" x 0.95" half boxes with patterns and colours to match as well as blank areas for you to write in to personalize these
  • 4 - 1.5" wide box strips to embellish the top of your day boxes or wherever else you want to add some style
  • 8 - Appointment digital stickers
  • 8 - Reminder digital stickers
  • 8 - Errand digital stickers
  • 8 - To Do digital stickers
  • 9 - Phone digital stickers
  • 4 - Small flag elements
  • 2 - Arrow elements - possibly you want to use these to highlight an event, day or appointment that you just can't miss!!
  • 3 - Arrow elements to play with...what's their best possible use in your eyes??
  • 3 - Square embellished tags...each with a different flower colour to match whichever way you have designed your life planner pages
  • 1 - Clip tag with the flowers on the left side and a metal like grommet at the top...wouldn't you love this tag clipped to your planner as a name tag or bookmark??
  • 1 - Floral strip - should you attach this to a paper clip for a bookmark, or do you see it decorating a vertical part of your page??
  • 5 - 7.25" long digital washi tape like elements to give you such a splash of colour and pattern in your life planner pages
  • 3 - Button cute are these!!
  • 5 - Circular planner page elements that are here to embellish your life planner pages to the hilt! Florals, lace-like elements and spaces to write on them...let creativity be your guide!
  • 1 - Blank square tag to give you complete creative freedom with
  • 3 - Blank word tags for you to fill in with phrases to inspire, possibly an important date or whatever suits you

    Life Planner Stickers are not available for resale by License holders

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