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Lil Bits - Daisy


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Lil' Bits "Daisy" is filled with finished digital elements and word strips that we thought would work well for you when completing your scrapbook layouts and cards. Why not take a look through the word strips for some inspiration....these words and sayings may be just the "A-HA" moment to start you off!! Don't miss out on these digital elements as they are not included in the ELS "Daisy" Collection so don't pass these by!


  • 1 Square sticker with the white daisy shining in the centre
  • 1 Square sticker - "You fill me with sunshine"
  • 1 Square sticker with a birdhouse ready for its next occupant
  • 1 Square sticker with 3 daisies adorning it
  • 3 Tags - the perfect journal cards to either leave as interesting cards or add a photo or's all your choice!
  • 2 Toppers - 1 with a blank card attached and 1 without. These would make a great card just as is!!
  • 1 Wordart - "Take the time...."
  • 17 Wordstrips with a variety of sayings and words that may work for your scrapbook layouts and easy to add these in!
  • 5 Wordstrips - blank....we may have missed a saying or two, so here is your chance to fill them in. What would you like to say using these beauties!

  • Shadowing on some elements for realism

  • Current Reviews: 1

    This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 16 April, 2015.

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