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Lil Bits - Apple Butter Charm


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"Apple Butter Charm" Lil' Bits has many extra premade elements to coordinate with this Collection including such items as labels for your own "Apple Butter" or jelly, etc. Elements in the Lil' Bits are NOT included in the "Apple Butter Charm" FQB.


  • 3 Apple Frames - great for placing in pics of your "sweet" or maybe you winning for your jelly??
  • 1 Insert - would work well for a card insert to write in
  • 2 Labels - with room for you to write in your finished product, be it butter, jelly, etc. (Hint: print them on good paper, then glue this paper to a sheet of label paper so you can cut them out and stick them onto the jars. This will give you a better quality printing, and yet still have the sticky back for easy application.)
  • 1 Wordart - "Apple"
  • 1 Wordart - "Apple of my Eye"
  • 1 Wordart - "Take a Big Bite out of Life"
  • 12 Wordstrips with many phrases that would work well with this Collection

  • Shadowing on some elements for realism

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