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Frequently Asked Questions- Nitwit Collections™

There are always lots of questions to ask if you are new to digital scrapbooking or card making, and since you may not want to invite me over to sit beside you, I thought I'd try to answer some of the common questions here!!

Should you read this over and still find yourself with questions, please contact us.

How do I order and/or pay?

Simply look around the site, and when you find something you like, use the button to add it to your cart! When you are finished shopping, press the "checkout" link in the upper corner of the screen and it will take you to your cart. Now if this is your 1st time shopping with us, you will be asked to create an account. Simply fill in the information, and please remember your password (I know you're not supposed to write it down, but I do, who can remember them all!?) Once you are logged in you can use your Paypal account or you can use your credit cards at this site if you do not have or want an account with Paypal. Once you have paid, (if using Paypal, you will automatically return you to Nitwit Collections™) where you will see your download links ready for immediate download and creating!! There is no waiting for an email or for the regular mail to bring you your new purchases!! Who wants to wait!

Problems Downloading?

Are you having an error message pop up on your screen when you try to open the file? It is very likely that your file has been corrupted during the downloading process, no fun!! What we would suggest is that you try using Mozilla Firefox which you can download for free. We changed several years ago, and all of our problems disappeared, as it has also done for many of our customers!! It is easy to download and install by simply following their prompts, and it will even import all of your Bookmarks from Internet Explorer for you.

Where do I find my Download Links

Here at Nitwit Collections™, we certainly do not like to wait for purchases, so we don't make you wait either! Your downloads are available to you as soon as your payment has processed at Paypal and you have been returned to our store. You can access your downloads by clicking on the "My Account" tab that you will see at the top of our website. From here you will see your order number with the button "View" at the end of each line. Please click on "View" and it will take you to your download links!

What is a zip file and how to use it?

A zip file is simply a way to get this large file to you in an quicker way. Think of stuffing all of your week's groceries in 1 bag! Impossible!! The same works here. Your download file is in a zip file so it is quicker to download. When you save your download from Nitwit Collections™ on your computer (be sure to remember where you put it) you first need to "unzip" your file before you are able to use it (unless you are using a Mac which automatically Unzips the file for you). You can use programs such as WinZip, or if you are using Windows XP or Windows 7, simply right-click on the zip file image, and you will select "Extract all" from the menu that pops up. It will ask you again, where do you want to place this in your computer (use the same file that you have put the zip file in) and voila! You can now open and use the images!

I forgot my password!

No problem!! We do not have access to your password, but if you click this link Forgot Password it will take you to the page to enter your email address. Please recheck your spelling on the email address you have entered, to insure that it comes to you! Press the "Submit" button, and voila! This will send you an email to the address that you have on your account (and have filled in, in the email address box in the Forgot Password page) and will reset your password. PLEASE make sure that you check your Spam Folder in your email program, if you have not received your new password within 5-10 minutes. You will be able to log in using this new reset password, and once logged in, you can change this "new reset password" to a password of your choice by clicking on the "My Account" tab at the top of our website.

What program do I need to use these files? Digital Scrapbooking Software!

Whether you are looking to just print and/or resize the graphics and papers, or if you would like to create your project digitally, you will need a graphics program to do this. We would suggest using Adobe Photoshop Elements. It is easy to use no matter what your experience level, but allows you to "learn your way" to becoming a pro without having to buy a new program. It is also relatively inexpensive, so you won't have to wait till your birthday to make this request!! Another program which is FREE, but obviously may not have all of the features you are looking for is GIMP The programs out there are many and varied, but the only important need in a program that you choose is that it supports a .png file. A .png file allows for a transparent background so that the items can be layered on top of one another, to create your design digitally. We have many beginner step by step video tutorials on our Nitwit Collections YouTube Channel - How To Section Be sure to use these as they will take you from knowing nothing about using the program to being able to feel confident in it in no time!

What printer/paper should I use for the best quality finished product?

Well, I don't sell printers, but certainly have owned many of them! The brands and options are definitely many, and remember to choose one that fits how you print. Do want a wide-format which prints 12x12 pages? Borderless printing is a common feature, and one I would recommend, as it lets you print right to the edge of your paper, making for no trimming the white paper off the edges. I have also found that when replacing your ink cartridges, the manufacturer's ink is of superior quality and gives you the look you're after.

For the paper to print on, we have found if you use a "Matte" finish paper, rather than a gloss, it prints a much better product. You would want to choose a paper in about the 150GSM to 225GSM paper weight (it will tell you on the packaging) to get the same quality of paper that you would be used to when purchasing paper products in your local craft store.
Lastly, the printers that we have been happiest with are Epson. They print true colours, have lots of options, and last for a long time (but that's just one Nitwit's opinion)!

The best way to save your purchased products for the long haul...

Once you have bought these Collections you want to make sure that you will have them to use, for a very long time! What is the best method of saving them, you ask?? Well I'm no genius, but my suggestion is to save them to a CD/DVD for backup. Inevitably your hard drive in your computer, as well as external hard drives will fail, and you will now have lost all of your purchases, as well as your creations and possibly photos. (Insert swear words here!!) The CD/DVD is today's safest way to store anything that you would worry about losing when any of your hard drives decide they are done serving you. You certainly want the files stored on your hard drive as it is quicker to use, but to have it backed up on CD/DVD is today's safest method in my humble opinion.

Use the Search Bar to find what you want!

Using the Search Bar on our website will help you immensely if you are looking for something specific. We have done many things behind the scenes to insure this works as best as possible. Simply type in your words in the bar at the top left of our website and be sure to put it in quotations for the best result. For example if you are looking for everything we have that relates to the Fall Season, type in "Fall". The reason for the quotes is that it will return only Fall related items, no more no less. If you left the quotes off you would also get items with waterfall, etc. as without quotes it finds everything with fall in the words. Give it a go, it'll make your life much easier!
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